Santa Ynez, CA | January 20-25, 2021

Medicine Initiation Retreat

Join us this January for yet another Magical Medicine Initiation with Raven Cruz & The Kambo Family!

We are so excited to be creating another opportunity for our community to connect with the powerful healing medicine of the Kambö Frog.

Given this collective experience of great change we are in, where our hearts, minds, and immune systems are being pushed to their capacity and challenged to evolve, there is no better or more powerful work to do during this time.

We invite you to come and gather with us to offer up your heart, spirit, and hard work, in gratitude and surrender to the epic tides of transformation.

This initiation will not only help you, your body, and your immune system heal, but will help the world in its transition to a new age. 

By cleansing yourself of the toxins you cannot integrate and connecting with your ancestral wisdom in this rite of passage, you will open a powerful door to the journey of transformation. By choosing to invite the medicine of Kambö into your body, you finally allow yourself to purge and let go of the pain, trauma, and repetitive patterning you and our world no longer need to carry.

We encourage you to join us in this opportunity to gather with Kambö practitioner, Raven Cruz & the rest of the Kambo Family, to take part in this magical medicine and be held in a container of acceptance, love, growth, and expansive support.

Lots of Love, 

Raven & The Three of Life Team

About the Space:

Aj Xic Jay Sanctuary, Santa Ynez, CA

The retreat will be held at a beautiful home in the Santa Ynez Valley, just 2 1/2 hours north of Los Angeles in Santa Ynez, CA. The Mediterranean style, 3 bedroom and 4 1/2 bath home, sits perched atop 9 lovely acres of hillside, dotted with large old oak trees and expansive views of the Santa Ynez mountains. Those who come to stay and do deep work here, often feel deeply held and nourished by our home and the land itself.

The single-level home, with an open floor plan, has been newly remodeled with interior furnishings in an eclectic and contemporary flavor creating a feeling that is both warm and cozy, as well as modern and spacious. A luxurious, fully-equipped kitchen, large living room, and large veranda provide for beautiful dining and relaxing both indoor and out. There are also a number of small and beautiful spaces outdoors around the property where people can curl up, journal, visit, or rest & integrate from their medicine work experiences.

Accommodations will be in shared sleeping spaces throughout the house. Outdoor camping is available for those who prefer to cozy up under the stars.

The Medicine gardens lovingly created and scattered throughout the property contain White Sage, California Mugwort, Rosemary, Lavender, and Tobacco. Many of the Sacred Medicine Teachers live on the property as well. The wildlife here is equally as abundant, with lots of hawk, owl, deer, coyotes, mountain lion, bobcat, tarantula, lizards, and rattlesnake medicine roaming the land. 

The property is fondly known as Aj Xic Jay Sanctuary, which translates to "House of the Hawk People" in Kachikel Maya. 

Over the past 10 years, the land has held many ceremonies as well as community gatherings & prayers, with elders from many nations and lineages. Because of this, the land is deeply steeped in the energies of both healing and transformation.

There are two ceremonial spaces that have been created on the property to be available for sacred work to take place. This includes The Barn Altar space for indoor ceremonial work, and the sacred Fire Arbor for outdoor work. 

Welcome home to Aj Xic Jay Sanctuary! We look forward to having you!


The Retreat Will Include:

  • Lodging at a beautiful sanctuary in Santa Ynez, CA from Wednesday, January 20th to Monday, January 25th, 2021
  • Lovingly prepared food and drinks to support your initiation throughout the duration of your stay
  • *3 rounds of Kambo Medicine + 1 Medicine Integration Ceremony 
    (If you have any questions feel free to email us at
  • *An opportunity to explore the medicines of the Pipe, Sananga and Rapé 
  • Private oracle reading with Tata Erick ahead of ceremony via Zoom (mandatory)
  • An opportunity to explore the medicines of Sananga & Rapé

*If you have not previously sat in 3 Kambó ceremonies in one 28-day period, then it is mandatory to participate in all 3 sits at this initiation. Sitting 3 rounds in one moon cycle is the traditional initiation into this medicine, and is the best way to ensure maximum, long-term healing.

*Along with 3 rounds of Kambó, each participant will be invited to partake in the exploration of the medicine of Sananga, a traditional plant ash-based eye cleansing medicine, as well as Rapé, a sacred tobacco medicine, both of which are said to heighten awareness of the senses, clear and align your mind and instincts, and help promote deep cleansing of the mind, body, and spirit.


Total Investment = $1,800 for the complete retreat package 
(This includes 4 Ceremonies + Room & Board)
(*This price does not include transportation)

Please send any and all questions to!

To Register:

There are only 10 spots available for this retreat.
The registration deadline is December 1, 2020.
If you would like to register for this retreat please fill out your information by clicking below:

Register Now 


In order to secure your spot, please send a $750 non-refundable deposit to our PayPal or Venmo. The remaining balance can be brought and paid upon arrival via cash, paypal, or venmo.

Deposits can be sent to:
PayPal: or
Venmo: @raven-cruz

***It is of paramount importance that you finish all three ceremonies. Once you are in! No matter how hard it may be, please know that you come here to finish all three. I have seen people not finish all three and their lives often get very wonky! As such, once you begin the process and pay up front for all three rounds, your non-refundable financial commitment is made.

What to Bring:

  • Your mesa (altar) if you have one, and a petition offering. If you do not have a mesa or are unfamiliar with the customs of traditional peoples, we suggest a pre-council with Raven to discuss the importance of this in your work.
  • Your favorite pillow, bedding and whatever else you need to feel comfortable. You will be sleeping in beds in a group lodging room. 
  • Bring comfortable clothes and layers as weather can be variable this time of year with the potential for rain.
  • Additionally, ensure you bring ample changes of clothes, as healing can be a messy process. Sweating, purging, and secretion of toxins means you want to be able to change frequently and have enough clothes to do so. 

About Kambo:

Disclaimer: Kambó does not have any psychoactive compounds and is not a psychedelic medicine. It is 100% legal and it is very important that the frogs are not harmed in the process of giving up and collecting their secretions. Spiritually, Kambö has been associated with clearing unwanted psychic debris and baggage known as "Panema". "Panema" is the accumulated plaque that we carry inside of us, coming from the hardships and traumas that we have personally experienced, as well as those of our ancestors, (expressed epigenetically), and the cultural conditioning that we unwittingly inherited.

Kambó comes from a secretion produced by the Phyllomedusa bicolor, more commonly known as The Giant Monkey Frog. This beautiful, bright green frog releases a neuro-toxic poison that is collected and administered very specifically, directly into the human lymphatic system via small superficial burns on the skin. Here, the poison transforms into a cleanser and immune boosting healing agent in the human body. Kambó contains a range of medicinal and traditional therapeutic applications. It is an entourage of bioactive peptides – short chain amino acids that bind to human cell receptors and catalyze transformative physical detoxification and psychic/spiritual renewal. These peptides exhibit potent antimicrobial, anti-cancerous, anti-inflammatory and immune modulating effects. Kambó has been used to treat variety of conditions such as depression, anxiety, addiction, chronic pain, autoimmune conditions, chronic fatigue, lyme disease, herpes, arthritis, cancer, and more.



This medicine may conflict with the following issues or chemicals: 

  • Those that have serious heart problems
  • Women who are pregnant or nursing
  • Low blood pressure medications
  • Anyone that has had a stroke or Addison’s disease
  • Those recovering from surgery

About Raven: 

Raven is descended from the Hopi Indians (presently settled in Arizona, Utah), a North American desert people and the Mexica people of Southern Mexico. Raven’s great-grandmother was kidnapped by Spanish slavers and sold into slavery in Mexico City at the age of five. The generations of children taken from their villages this way, are known as the “Lost Birds or Genízaros.”

Many accounts of this terrible period in American History are starting to surface and has since fueled Ravens journey deeper into medicine and ceremonies as an act of reclaiming and reconciling his mix-blood heritage. He has undergone a 20-year journey into medicine ceremonies, traditional rituals, and practices taught to him by medicine people from many nations all over the world. He also took to learning from nutritionists and doctors whenever and wherever he could. His journey in ceremony, as well as a practice in Buddhism and Yoga began to culminate into a working practice when he began the study of Neurology and Unified Field Physics in early 2009.

After studying the brain and diving deeper into biochemistry, he searched for ways to optimize the bodies health by first addressing all systems collaborating for harmony in a human. A certified Neurofeedback practitioner, Raven has also developed several highly effective food and nutrition programs for many of his clients to help them heal from numerous health problems and disorders. Raven’s work is aptly described as a synergist, he has strived to connect the best and most sacred of traditions, foods and medicines for all those who wish to emerge into a new era of human consciousness. HIs work has always been with people who are ready to discover entirely new versions of themselves. Versions that have been latent, hiding within the realms of the unconscious, waiting to be germinated, sprouted, cultivated and shared.

About Tata Erick:

Since his early childhood, Tata Erick Gonzalez has received profound and sustained healing from the indigenous medicine of Guatemala. As a small boy, carried by his grandmother to tribal healers for treatments, he formed an early and lifelong connec- tion to the natural and spiritual forces that would guide his astonishing earth walk.

Within the traditional indigenous circles and the native people of the Maya, Tata Erick carries the responsibility of an Aj Q’ij and Kamal Bey (Spiritual Leader, Teacher and Earth Wisdom Keeper).

Over a thirty-year period, Tata Erick traveled with, trained under, and was initiated by spiritual Elders from México, Colombia, Peru, Guatemala and throughout North America. And he has been blessed with a truly unique connection to the sacred guidance which comes directly from Spirit.

Tata Erick participated in Native movements in an effort to protect sacred lands, the heartbeat and essence of the indigenous ways. And in subsequent years, he dedicated himself to serving communities in re-establishing their traditional ways, keeping them alive and flourishing for future generations.

Through the years and with an unwavering conviction, Tata Erick has participated in Indigenous Councils throughout the Americas, gathering tribal Elders as part of a sacred call to action, promoting increased cooperation and unity between diverse traditions. He is passionate about the inclusion of all lineages for healing and unification.

As the Founder & Spiritual Leader of Earth Peoples United, a non-profit dedicated to connecting people to the natural & spiritual worlds, Tata Erick nurtures a powerful international alliance of Earth Wisdom Keepers, and inspires many who are on a path of re-establishing their Earth Wisdom connection.